
Jewish Camp Afterschool Registration Due tomorrow Mitzvah of the Day, Torah Through Drama, and Jewish music & spirituality. Semi-outdoors;  Covid precautions observed. Wednesdays, 3-5; pickup available from selected schools Starts August 18th register at Jewish Virtual Academy: substantive, engaging online Jewish learning! Try the classes that kids...

Shabbat Together Postponed Services this week are cancelled due to operational difficulties; I will miss you! Upcoming events: Shabbat Together August 21, 10:00 Contemplative Selichot August 28, 8:30 Rosh Hashanah with Congregation Gan Eden (tickets required) Sharing Joy and Thanksgiving: Sukkot dinner and song fest with Julius Sanna, Sept...

Please join me for High Holidays this year as I join Cantor Bobra Bush at Congregation Gan Eden in Delray. Tickets are $54; you can find more information at  Because seating is limited, tickets do sell out fast, so I encourage you to purchase them...

Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke, Ya gotta understand: It's just our bringin' upke That gets us outta hand. Our mothers all are junkies, Our fathers all are drunks. Golly Moses, natcherly we're punks. In "Westside Story," members of a street gang use a variety of creative explanations for their criminal behavior: their dad...

Registration is now open for 2022-2023 Jewish Camp After School & Jewish Virtual Academy! Annual Tuition for 2022-2023 classes is as follows: Jewish Camp After School: $1260 Torah & Today: $1260 Mitzvah Class: $840 Hebrew Tutoring: $840 Deposit $100 deposit/child due on registration; the remainder is paid monthly through automatic withdrawal...

As I write, it is hard to ignore the shock and horror of yesterday’s events. I have always believed we are a civil, respectful country. I pray that our country return to civility, fellowship, and peace, and that those who feel passionate learn restraint and...

For 91 years, Jacob struggled with people, tricking them, struggling to be on top.  Somehow, a night encounter changed him. On his way to seeing his brother Esau after 20 years, and scared that Esau still wants to kill him (Esau is, after all, accompanied by...

Dear friend, Please join us December 5th for a Shabbat morning program of music, Torah study, and friends!  I will lead our adult program of music, contemplation, and Torah study. Tanya will lead our fun and educational childrens' program, including singing, stories, activity, and edible art. Kiddush lunch...

Dear Friends, When Tanya and I lived in Brooklyn, the small corner store at the base of our building had a sign, "Best pizza in town!"  Considering how many places in New York sell pizza, I was impressed to be living right above such a culinary...

We are a Jewish engagement and education organization in Central Palm Beach County. The goal of our Jewish Afterschool program is to engage Jews in Palm Beach County in meaningful Jewish education, joyous holiday programming, and open and accessible spiritual experiences and community. We are...